Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Channel 0 : The Perfect Halloween Show

No End In Sight

You might remember me asking, does SyFy have a good show? Well, with the first season ended the answer was pretty much a shrug and a nod. The first season of Channel 0 was great in terms of scope and concept but admittedly fell short in terms of writing and budget. Now don't get me wrong, I understand why the show was given a tight budget when it's main concept was bringing internet horror stories to life. I can imagine that being a hard sell to a corporate office that may have never even heard of creepy pasta and the horror gems it gave birth to. Gems such as the Russian Sleep Experiment that has become my personal favorite. When reading through the forum or even listening to the stories on Youtube I remember thinking how great it would be to see these stories brought to life. And the second season of Channel 0 has now become the epitome of that exact concept.

The second season, titled No-End House does what the first season did which is grab your attention strait away by diving into the what we came to see. But No-End House keeps you there, holding your head under the water until you beg for it to stop. Every corner of the story holds a mystery that dares you to peak and see what's on the other side, but do you really want to know? Or has the lack of horror on TV made me bias? I'm a 90s kid after all, so I grew up with things like Are You Afraid of The Dark, Goosebumps, and X Files. Now I keep my crave for horror at bay through Stranger Things, Youtube stories, SCP files, and sometimes American Horror Story.

Yes, I'm sure some of you were thinking, 'Lack of horror? What about American Horror Story?' Well, to be honest, I think I've only watched one season all the way through and the rest I loose interest in. I realize this is personal preference but every season seems to have a character or several characters that annoy me to no end. Plus, the show seems to be a victim of falling into typical horror tropes of characters doing things no one would do. Also, their most recent season is trying to convince you that politics is considered horror.

Channel 0 arguably separates itself by making it's characters relate-able and the story seems to carry more weight and mystery. But I won't delve much deeper into pure opinion. I wrote this to bring more attention to a show that deserves it. And who knows maybe we'll see things like the SCP file become a TV show.

What do you think? Would you like to see something else brought to life? 

Oh and Happy Halloween!

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