Monday, August 21, 2017

The Destiny 2 Launch Trailer Released & Questions Answered

Lets take a closer look

If you're reading this chances are you've already seen the Destiny 2 launch trailer. And in typical trailer fashion, Bungie and Activision continues to spoon feed us pieces of the cinematic story. Even within the fist 10 seconds we're already given a big plot point.

The Speaker is alive, and has been captured! Ghaul is most likely holding him captive until he tells him the secrets behind the traveler, but the joke is on Ghaul, because he'll never tell. I mean, he could tell him, he could tell him the stories the traveler has faced, but he never does.

The next realization is that Ghaul isn't the only Cabal with an extended vocabulary. Maybe it's me, but the cabal seem to be mindless brutes, but Ghaul and his first lieutenant seem to be a bit more tactical and intelligent. But we've seen this before with the Hive. The Hive always seemed like mindless pure evil that based its actions on insanity and the destruction of the light, and the Dark Below didn't change this image. No, it wasn't until The Taken King were we introduced to the well-spoken genius behind the madness.

This is what Destiny 2 seems to be aiming for in terms of the Cabal, showing us the brains behind the brawn. And if Bungie is using The Taken King to base their Cabal story line on, then they're on the right path. After all, it was The Taken King DLC that truly gave the original Destiny story and unique characters their depth, going past the paper thin layer of vanilla Destiny.

Our last sneak peak we were given was the reunion of our fallen heros. It has been mentioned in the past that our 3 pillars of Destiny, Cayde-6, Zavala, and Ikora Rey all disperse to separate planets. But in this trailer we seem to get a glimpse of what the mood is as they finally re-unite. And that mood is desperation, hope, and some humor thanks to Cayde.

What did you think of the trailer, are you HYPED!?

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